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Sorensen Award News

irish rugby tours

04.29.2022 - Alex Goff

Saher Hamdan plays center for Life University, except when she's a hooker, a flanker, No. 8 ... or pretty much anywhere in the backline.

This MA Sorensen Award Finalist can play almost anywhere, and she does it all at a high level. A high level,s he stresses, that is maintained by her teammates at Life University.

04.29.2022 - Alex Goff

Kaitlyn Schwarting's leadership and broad range of talents has seen her make it to the list of finalists for the MA Sorensen Award.

She doesn't do it with power but she does do it with strength, throwing herself into the defensive responsibilities of being a center on one of the best teams in the nation, and facing up to some imposing defenses.

04.26.2022 - Alex Goff

The MVP of the National Intercollegiate Rugby Association D1 final, Dartmouth No. 8 Idia Ihensekhien is a finalist for the MA Sorensen Award as the best women's collegiate rugby player.

04.20.2022 - Alex Goff

The five finalists for the 2021-22 MA Sorensen Award have been named.

03.30.2022 - Alex Goff

With input from fans and coaches around the country, the MA Sorensen Award Panel has named its 2021-22 Sorensen Award Nominees.

These 17 players will be whittled down to a group of finalists with the help of the rugby community, who get to vote on who should be finalists.

The vote on who you would like to see as a finalist, see the form below.
