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College Women

irish rugby tours

07.25.2024 - GRR Staff

The West Point women's rugby program is looking for a paid assistant coach.

With assistant coach Kelsie McDowell moving on to a head coaching job at LaSalle, there is a vacancy at Army.

07.16.2024 - GRR Staff

Thomas College will be adding the institution's first ever Women's Rugby program in the fall of 2025 and have signed on former USA Eagle Farrah Douglas as their new Head Coach.

The team will play in the National Intercollegiate Rugby Association (NIRA) and starting competition in the Fall of 2025. 

07.09.2024 - GRR Staff

The Penn State Rugby Foundation and Booster Club are seeking candidates for the Head Coach positions for both the Men’s and Women’s Rugby teams.

Women's Head Coach kate Daley has taken a position at Dartmouth, while Men's Head Coach Justin Huntley has moved on to a different, non-rugby job.

06.17.2024 - Alex Goff

As summer is the time for pathway teams it’s worth remembering that elite rugby prospects can come from all over.

And what elite prospects have that make them elite is a combination is athleticism, physical characteristics that make success easier, a desire to learn, and a desire to compete.

06.12.2024 - Alex Goff

The Washington Athletic Club hosts the WAC Rugby Awards Saturday in Seattle, with Freda Tafuna and Wyatt Parry receiving, respectively, the MA Sorensen and Rudy Scholz Awards in person.
