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RuggaMatrix America Podcasts

irish rugby tours

01.09.2021 - GRR Staff

In this RuggaMatrix America podcast Bruce McLane sits down with Dr. Richard Urso. 

01.05.2021 - Alex Goff

Strength and Conditioning expert Rob Oshinskie has worked with athletes from all over the spectrum. He sits down with Bruce McLane and (a little bit) Alex Goff to talk about mistakes coaches make with S&C, what works and what's a waste of time, and how you can help your athletes get stronger, fitter, and smarter.

12.29.2020 - Alex Goff

USA flyhalf AJ MacGinty is still smarting from a 2019 World Cup in which the Eagles didn't perform to their expectations, but he's back on the field with Sale and we figured we'd chat with him about that.

We discuss his World Cu-winning halfback mate, whether time off is a good thing, the World Cup, the future for the Eagles, maturing as a player and a person, and much more.

09.02.2020 - Alex Goff

A day after USA Rugby negotiated a major hurdle in its bankruptcy reorganization, having creditors and the courts approve the NGB's reorganization plan, USA Rugby CEO Ross Young set down with Alex Goff.

08.17.2020 - Alex Goff

John Van Der Giessen came out of almost nowhere to play for the USA.

He did that by being willing to travel the globe, and being willing to work as hard as possible to be an Eagle lock forward.

Now a successful real estate executive, Van Der Giessen speaks with Bruce McLane about getting to the top, and also about what it's like for athletes once they stop playing.
