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RuggaMatrix America Podcasts

irish rugby tours

06.25.2024 - Alex Goff

In this RuggaMatrix America Coach Talk episode, Bruce McLane talks with lineout expert Paul O'Donnell.

Based in Dublin, Ireland, Peter is a lineout expert and runs The Lineout Lab, which provides coaching on the Lineout, including individual coaching, coach workshops, consulting, and oneline resources.

06.10.2024 - Alex Goff

There are so many parallels between ice hockey and rugby, and there are, of course, connections among all good coaches.

03.15.2024 - GRR Staff

Bruce McLane takes us in a bit of a different direction this time around.

Here Bruce sits down with economist, lecturer, and author Thomas Dilorenzo.

So this talk is about money, economies, and policy, not a sports podcast this time but one much more about philosphy.

11.24.2023 - Alex Goff

USA Men's 15s Interim Head Coach and Interim Men's HP GM Scott Lawrence sat down with Alex Goff of GRR for the latest Ruggamatrix America podcast episode.

09.22.2023 - Alex Goff

In this latest RuggaMatrix America podcast, Alex Goff sits down with USA Rugby CEO Ross Young and COO Johnathan Atkeison.

The top? High Performance. What to do about a High Performance Manager or General Manager, the status of the USA Women's and Men's 15s Head Coach positions.
