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LA 7s & LAI

irish rugby tours

02.07.2024 - Alex Goff

A big ol' nerd (self described) who needs to keep up on her firearms training, Sam Sullivan has a lot on her plate.

02.07.2024 - Alex Goff

The new-look SVNS LAX will have a big emphasis on the party atmosphere surrounding the SVNS World Series.

These tournaments are all-day events because there's always an entertaining game going on, and if you want a break from the rugby there is plenty of other stuff going on. Not least of which are some really imaginative fan costumes.

Like these:

01.28.2024 - Alex Goff

After getting turfed out of the Perth SVNS quarterfinals the USA Men's 7s team capped off their weekend with a win over Spain to take 7th.

01.28.2024 - Alex Goff

The USA women capped off the Perth SVNS with their second-straight fourth-place finish.

It was an interesting tournament in which the Eagles put in a ton of effort and worked hard to win the collision battle. They fixed their poor passing mid-tournament, which is difficult to do.

01.25.2024 - Alex Goff

The Perth stop for the SVNS World Series will kick off on Australia day on the shores of the Indian Ocean and the USA teams will have their work cut out for them.
