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College Women

irish rugby tours

05.03.2024 - Alex Goff

Surprises and drama punctuated Day One of the CRAA Women's Premier 7s and College-Club 7s.

This was a very well-played tournament with 10 teams from D1 Elite and NIRA battling it out. Even the teams that emerged winless after Friday's action showed flashes of good play.

04.30.2024 - Alex Goff

The College Rugby Association of America is hosting a women's 7s championship during CRAA's championship weekend in Houston May 3-5.

Two brackets will be in action: a Women's Premier which is composed of 10 D1 Elite and NIRA teams; and a Club-level bracket consisting of teams not in those two leagues.

Here are the pools:

04.29.2024 - Alex Goff

Freda Tafuna of Lindenwood has been named the 2024 winner of the MA Sorensen Award as the top female collegiate rugby player in the United States.

04.29.2024 - GRR Staff

Four champions were crownd Sunday in the Women's CRC 7s in Maryland.

D1 Premier

Brown repeated as  women's CRC Premier champions, downing Army in a close one 12-5 n the final.

This was the second straight year those two had battled it out in the CRC final.

04.26.2024 - Alex Goff

Saturday sees the women’s brackets in the CRC kick off and it’s a wild mix of 16 teams, many of which are varsity programs.
