GRR: USA Men 7s
Plucked out of almost obscurity into the US national 7s team, Stephen Tomasin may have been a little lucky, but he turned that sliver of good fortune into an impressive career with the Eagles.
Paul Emerick is one of the greatest American outside backs.
Generally playing at outside center, the former University of Northern Iowa All American and later Chicago Lions was a favorite with fans because he never, ever backed down, was brutally honest about his performance good or bad, and was just plain fun to watch.
Kevin Swiryn attended Saint Mary's College of California planning to play football, but when the football program was halted, he found something better.
Tony Ridnell was the pride of Old Puget Sound Beach and was the towering force on their back row and 7s forward pack as Beach began a run of four national 7s club championships in five years.
Kevin Higgins has two rugby scholarships named after him, and that's because he was hugely respected as a player despite being cut down in his prime.