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Sorensen Award News

irish rugby tours

07.18.2016 - Alex Goff

The inaugural Rudy Scholz and MA Sorensen Awards have been honored for an award in their own right.

The Scholz and Sorensen Awards were created by the Washington Athletic Club of Seattle, Wash., in conjunction with Goff Rugby Report and with the support of USA Rugby's Collegiate division, and recognize the best Men's and Women's collegiate rugby players.

06.12.2016 - Alex Goff

The Washington Athletic Club hosted a gala rugby event Saturday, June 11 at the WAC’s Seattle headquarters, with over 100 people treated to dinner, speeches, and media presentations for the MA Sorensen and Rudy Scholz collegiate rugby awards.

04.27.2016 - Alex Goff

Penn State prop Hope Rogers has been named as the first-ever MA Sorensen Award Winner as the best women’s college rugby player in the country.

The award, presented by the Washington Athletic Club of Seattle, Wash. in conjunction with Goff Rugby Report, will be formally presented at a gala event on June 11.

04.20.2016 - Alex Goff

The finalists for the first annual MA Sorensen Award - co-sponsored by the Washington Athletic Club and Goff Rugby Report, and sanction by USA Rugby - have been selected.

03.29.2016 - Alex Goff

The nominees for the inaugural MA Sorensen Award have been named.
