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GRR: Scholz Award

irish rugby tours

12.18.2021 - Alex Goff

Fans can now submit their own suggestions for nominees for the Rudy Scholz Award, given each year to the top Men's Collegiate player in US rugby.

07.17.2021 - Alex Goff

Dave Scholz, the son of two-time USA Olympic rugby gold medalist Rudy Scholz, has died after suffering a massive stroke earlier last week.

05.20.2021 - Alex Goff

Lindenwood University lock Emmanuel Albert has won the 2021 Rugby Scholz Award as the nation's best Men's Collegiate rugby player.

05.13.2021 - Alex Goff

The captain of Life University, George Phelan joined Life as a freshman from Sedbergh School in England.

The fullback, who can play pretty much anywhere, combines leadership, athletic ability, and a deep understanding of the game toanchor the Running Eagles backline, and team as a whole.

05.12.2021 - Alex Goff

The 2020 Rudy Scholz Award-winner, Payton Telea-Ilalio has not let up in 2021.

The Saint Mary's prop, who got his start in the Bishop Riordan program in Northern California, has only really been stopped by COVID, as the Gaels have, so far, only been able to play three games.
