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RuggaMatrix America Podcasts

irish rugby tours

04.29.2020 - Alex Goff

Bill Ard is back! The former New York Giant Bill Ard talks about how coaches treat players and how teams evaluate talent in an anecdote-riddled show with Bruce McLane.

Should coaches play favorites with star players? Do they? Yes. But should they? The answer might surprise you. How should coaches treat players in terms of off-field discipline? That answer might surprise you, too.

04.20.2020 - Alex Goff

Aaron Carpenter, who played for Canada in 80 test matches at hooker and No. 8; he captained his country 15 times and chats with Bruce McLane about coaching and bringing his considerable professional rugby experience to Major League Rugby.

04.20.2020 - Alex Goff

Rugby stalwarts (they coach the Dallas Reds and with Atlantis) Lynn and Chris Howard discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Lynn Howard holds an MD from LSU with specialties in Virology, Epidemiology, and Reproductive Endocrinology. She has dealt with the World Health Organization and worked in Africa on infectious diseases.

04.19.2020 - Alex Goff

Brent Nelson started the Iowa Central Community College men's rugby program and took it to a NSCRO national title, then 3rd in D2, and then a DIAA national fall title in 2019.

04.15.2020 - Alex Goff

Paule Barford has been at the forefront of coaching rugby in the USA for decades. 

He speaks with Bruce McLane on RuggaMatrix America on being smart about coaching (if your players' game awareness is poor, why don't you emulate game situations in training?), how to create a high performance model that works, and for good measure he takesd a shot at the MLR.
