Goff Rankings
As you may well know, GRR is on tour in the UK at the moment so the timing of some of thing stuff could be weird.
We're posting Tuesday night, which is Tuesday afternoon back in the Lands of Liberty so we're not late ... just not super-on-time.
This was a wild week in D1AA and that's why this ranking comes out late.
We had so many important decisions to make.
As often happens with these rankings, anyone doing the rankings, at least those of us who use subjective methods, have to guard against over-reacting to one result.
No changes except one.
The #1 team, Queens, lost, and the #2 team, Brown, won a tough game ... perhaps their toughest of the season. We have to move Brown up to #1.
Queens stays high at #2 because they're still a very, very good team; they just ran up against an improving team on the road.
Well we've been complaining about it most of the season ...
Whine, whine, whine ... no upsets, no surprises. Well then there was this past weekend.