Goff Rankings
This early in the season it seems a bit unfair to drop teams that haven't even really started, but we have to.
With 2025 now upon us we have our first D1AA ranking of the Winter/Spring season.
This means we leave out the teams that play their 15s exclusively in the fall. It will be a bit of a question whether the Heart of America teams stay on to play 15s, but Lonestar, Florida, California North, NCRC, and California South are all set to play for a championship in May.
Our first HS Club ranking of the winter/spring.
We don't have a lot of action for this and we won't for a while.
However, we do ave some action in South Carolina, a small but interesting tournament in Southern California, and some more action in NorCal, too.
A huge result for Cathedral Catholic over the weekend drives their move up to the Top 5.
Torrey Pines is not far behind.
Here we are with the second week of D1A rankings and we have one game that has made the biggest change this time.
Obviously, it's Arizona's 12-10 loss to Saint Mary's. As a result of this very close result, Saint Mary's drifts down from #3 to #5, and Arizona moves up from #12 to #9.