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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

05.22.2024 - Alex Goff

The Boys HS National Championships are here.

The Moose Rugby Grounds fields, three of them, full-sized, rugby-only, beautful grass ... are ready.

Love playing rugby on grass. Boys HS Nationals kicks off tomorrow.

05.21.2024 - GRR Staff

The US Rugby Foundation is ready to kick off the application period for their 2024-25 college scholarship program. 

Talented student-athletes with a passion for rugby and academics can now apply for one of several USRF-supported college scholarships.

05.20.2024 - Alex Goff

Gregory the Great won the Rugby PA Boys D1 title, beating St. Joe's Prep over the weekend with an exciting finish between two heated rivals.

These two teams played earlier in the season, with St. Joseph's winning 40-33. So it was no surprise that this game was close as well.

With a vocal group of fans from each team, this was a game with a loud atmosphere.

05.19.2024 - Alex Goff

Thunder Rugby backed up last week's 3rd-place win in SoCal with a 2-0 performance at the Pacific Invitational this weekend. 

Thunder beat a very tough SFGG side 34-32 on Day One. The Thunder forwards got their team on the board first, and SFGG responded, and that exvhange was a harbinger of how the game would go.

05.19.2024 - GRR Staff

The Eastside Lions defeated Camas 43-15 Saturday to win the Rugby Washington Boys HS championship.
