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GRR: US Rugby Foundation

irish rugby tours

10.23.2023 - GRR Staff

High school rugby players who want to study and play rugby as an elite school in New Zealand still have a few weeks to apply for a scholarship.

Following after the hugely successful US Rugby Foundation Scholarship program to Nelson College, the program is being repeated for 2-24.

09.20.2023 - Alex Goff

Saturday in Salt Lake City saw the 2023 class of the US Rugby Hall of Fame inducted at a gala event leading up to the USA vs Stade Toulousain game.

09.19.2023 - GRR Staff

The United States Rugby Foundation has announced a reprise of its highly successful Nelson College Scholarship Program.

USRF will be selecting a highly-qualified American High School rugby player to attend Nelson College, a secondary/high school for boys located in Nelson, New Zealand, which conducts a unique, highly acclaimed rugby program.

09.14.2023 - Alex Goff

In June of 2023 the US Rugby Foundation had the opportunity to provide Rookie Rugby Cleveland with a $5000 dollar grant to help spur the organizations growth. Through the dedication of the Rookie Rugby Cleveland staff, they've used this grant to help galvanize youth athletes through social media.

08.23.2023 - GRR Staff

With the shifting of the USA vs Stade Toulousain from Sunday, September 17 to Saturday, September 16 the US Rugby Foundation has shifted the timing of its US Rugby Hall of Fame event.

Originally planned for Saturday night, the induction proceedings will now begin at 2PM with a pre-ceremony reception, a lunch at 3PM, and the induction ceremonies themselves from 4PM to 6PM.
