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GRR: Player Spotlight

irish rugby tours

12.18.2021 - Alex Goff

In these pages you’ll have seen our support for the Bowl Game concept, because we believe it provides nice closure to a fall pr spring season, and it offers teams a chance to play opponents they don’t normally see.

09.23.2021 - Alex Goff

The West ADA Girls 7s league is moving along in Idaho, and while we Eagle remains a tough team to fly with, Mountain View is flying almost as high; one reason for that is Avery Morgan.

Mountain View bounced back from a 1-1 start to beat upstarts Owyhee in Week 2 and Centennial and Rocky Mountain in Week 3 to improve to 4-1. (Eagle is 5-1 after beating Owyhee and Meridian this week).

03.17.2021 - Alex Goff

Is Emmanuel Albert the best college player you don't know about?

11.18.2020 - Alex Goff

Elite women's rugby is back on the field today with the USA Women's Stars & Stripes game, and while we'll be seeing current and future Eagles in display, one player in particular is being fast-tracked a little faster than most.

11.03.2020 - Alex Goff

Coming out of the Fall Fest HS 7s tournament in Pennsylvania observers had to be happy to see some rugby, to see some young student-athletes playing again, and see some good rugby skills, but what they didn't see a lot of was consistently good kicking ... except in one or two rare cases.
