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GRR: PAC Rugby Conference

irish rugby tours

11.10.2016 - Alex Goff

The PAC Rugby Conference 7s is set for Saturday in Tucson, and while four-time defending champs Cal have to be favored, there are other teams to watch out for.

PAC Rugby 7s Set for Tucson

11.08.2016 - Alex Goff

The PAC Rugby Conference 7s tournament is set for Saturday and Sunday at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

10.25.2016 - Alex Goff

Early on in the West Coast 7s at Treasure Island, Arizona was losing.

It was, in fact, the first game of the tournament for both Arizona and San Diego State, and at halftime, down 10-0, the Wildcats had to be wondering where they would end up in the pecking order.

As it turned out, the won the entire tournament.

10.10.2016 - GRR Staff

The University of Southern California men's rugby team has issued a statement in the wake of the team receiving a suspension from the University.

The statement, reprinted in its entirety below, explains why the team received the suspension:

10.07.2016 - Alex Goff

The University of Southern California men's rugby team has been suspended for the fall of 2016.

In a statement, USC Head Rugby Coach Dominic Riebli said the team is withdrawing from all fall 7s tournaments, and that the team's spring schedule is currently in doubt. Riebli did not say why the team has been suspended, saying that he was unsure if he was at liberty to discuss details.
