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irish rugby tours

07.25.2024 - GRR Staff

The West Point women's rugby program is looking for a paid assistant coach.

With assistant coach Kelsie McDowell moving on to a head coaching job at LaSalle, there is a vacancy at Army.

07.16.2024 - GRR Staff

Thomas College will be adding the institution's first ever Women's Rugby program in the fall of 2025 and have signed on former USA Eagle Farrah Douglas as their new Head Coach.

The team will play in the National Intercollegiate Rugby Association (NIRA) and starting competition in the Fall of 2025. 

06.11.2024 - Alex Goff

Perhaps the biggest upstart program in women's collegiate rugby this year was Sacred Heart.

06.03.2024 - Alex Goff

Lindenwood University's women's rugby team is joining NIRA, the NCAA varsity competition.

04.30.2024 - Alex Goff

The College Rugby Association of America is hosting a women's 7s championship during CRAA's championship weekend in Houston May 3-5.

Two brackets will be in action: a Women's Premier which is composed of 10 D1 Elite and NIRA teams; and a Club-level bracket consisting of teams not in those two leagues.

Here are the pools:
