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GRR: Men DI Rankings

irish rugby tours

05.28.2024 - Alex Goff

We are wrapping up our D1AA rankings today.

It is always really difficult to make direct comparisons between teams that play primarily in the fall and teams that play primarily in the spring. Sam Houston State provides a nice connection between the two, playing as they did bowl games for both NCR and CRAA. Maybe we can have a peace summit at their field some day.

05.07.2024 - Alex Goff

Well, the end of the D1A season was thrilling, but the end of the rankings is not.

We make no changes. Everything seems, in the end, to be where they should be.

We had moved Saint Mary's up in our last rankings three weeks ago, and they stay at #1, of course. Navy remains #2. And all down the line.

What we can say about all of this is the following:

05.01.2024 - Alex Goff

Obviously there isn't a lot of D1AA action going but it's all pretty important.

San Diego qualified for the CRAA final and they stay at #4 for the moment. But since Western Washington almost beat them they do move up.

They lost on kind of a freak play. Have a look.

04.17.2024 - Alex Goff

We took a couple of weeks off from the D1AA rankings because there were so few 15s games going on.

04.15.2024 - Alex Goff

With two weeks of playoff games to energize the latest D1A rankings we were excited to see what changes those results would bring.
