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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

10.26.2016 - GRR Staff

The Eagle Impact Rugby Academies are either underway or about to start their sessions.

We discuss who is ready to go here - EIRA Sessions Starting Around the Country, but here's some additional info on a few of the locations.

10.25.2016 - GRR Staff

Eagle Impact Rugby Academies sessions are underway.

10.24.2016 - GRR Staff

Herriman Gold moved to 18-0 in the Utah Youth Rugby Boys HS 7s.

Herriman won the 3rd leg of the series, defeating United in the final, led by an excellent tournament from Ethan Burrows and some excellent defense from John Thompson.

The Red team for Herriman won the Bowl begind the play of Kason Kalma, while the Herriman JV team took the JV Cup with a 5-0 day.

10.24.2016 - Alex Goff

Pelham HS clinched the Rugby New York Boys HS 7s championships this past weekend, winning the penultimate event and wrapping up the title with a tournament to go.

10.19.2016 - GRR Staff

The Utah Cannibals, Utah Youth Rugby’s representative teams comprised of the top High School Rugby talent in Utah for both 7s and 15s, has released its schedule for 2017.
