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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

02.04.2017 - Alex Goff

In a clash of two of the top HS teams in the nation, the Danville Oaks defeated Peninsula Green 57-35 Saturday.

02.03.2017 - Alex Goff

A bit ate, here's our latest Boys single-school rankings.

Not a lot of shifting, although a few more SoCal teams push into the rankings, and they will sort themselves out during playoff time. We've got a good feeling about la Costa Canyon, and Greenville HS also makes a move.


02.03.2017 - Alex Goff

Undefeated Carlsbad Thunder will not be able to play in Southern California’s Varsity White playoffs because the team suited up two players who required a waiver to participate, and failed to get them a waiver until well into the season.

02.03.2017 - Alex Goff

Rugby South Carolina goes into its second week with Greenville HS having already recorded a key win.

02.03.2017 - Alex Goff

Lots of rugby to be played in Boys HS action this weekend.
