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irish rugby tours

05.03.2024 - Alex Goff

It's another big weekend in Boys HS rugby.

We have playoffs in Virginia, Northern California, and Southern California. We have the Florida final with Okapi vs Jacksonville, and the Louisiana final with NOLA Jesuit vs Brother Martin. Woodlands plays Four Points in the Texas club final. 

04.26.2024 - Alex Goff

Every week we post scores and every week we miss some.

It's the nature of the business, but we're working hard to get as many scores out there as we can.

Early midweek notes: Green bay got tested by the Chargers in Wisconsin. St. Augustine pulled off a big result over Georgetown Prep, and Herriman beat East.

04.19.2024 - Alex Goff

We've got well over 100 games on the boys HS rugby schedule this week.

We probably have missed some because, as we said before, teams and leagues use different apps and tracking methods. So if we missed you, let us know!

04.11.2024 - Alex Goff

A few notes from the last couple of weeks and looking ahead.

There was a big result in Northern California that we didn't go over in detail, but it showed the San Mateo Wolverines defeating a very good Elsie Allen side by a fairly emphatic score of 35-12. 

04.06.2024 - Alex Goff

With the break around Easter last week it was sort of a slow weekend aside from some tours and the Tropical 7s, but this week we're seeing the games come back with more ... well, just more.

First off we take a look at some of the games that went on later this week.
