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RuggaMatrix America Podcasts

irish rugby tours

07.29.2014 - Alex Goff

RuggaMatrix America Show # 134 is titled New Show, New Problems.

07.09.2014 - Alex Goff

RuggaMatrix America Show 133 - Finding a New 7s Coach

Alex, Bruce and Pat discuss the 7s team situation, including the idea of whether a coach can coach the Eagles 7s team and have another job, and whether that' relevant.

Click here to listen!

06.19.2014 - Alex Goff

RuggaMatrix America Podcast #132 is up as Alex, Bruce, and Pat take apart the USA Men's National Team's first two games, and look at weird stuff like refereeing, pro rugby, and whatever the heck Super 7s is, to find some answers.

06.05.2014 - Alex Goff

In the latest RuggaMatrix America show, #131, Alex, Pat and Bruce reunite to talk about the CRC, College schedules, and the Eagles. It's a packed show with Alex and Pat, despite working for different news outlets now, all smiles.

05.20.2014 - Alex Goff

Alex Goff checks in with USA High School All American Head Coach Salty Thompson to talk about the HSAA season so far, and what's to come.

Listen here to right-click to download and listed later.
