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Goff Rankings

irish rugby tours

05.29.2024 - Alex Goff

This is always one of the toughest weeks for our HS rankings because of the HS National Championships and how many games those teams play.

05.28.2024 - Alex Goff

We are wrapping up our D1AA rankings today.

It is always really difficult to make direct comparisons between teams that play primarily in the fall and teams that play primarily in the spring. Sam Houston State provides a nice connection between the two, playing as they did bowl games for both NCR and CRAA. Maybe we can have a peace summit at their field some day.

05.14.2024 - Alex Goff

The rankings and the HS National Championship seeds are, no surprise, coming together to be about the same.

Our major shifts are then a bit lower down.

05.14.2024 - Alex Goff

Girls Nationals are coming this weekend so let's take another look at the rankings shall we?

We have a few changes based on some results, plus there remains a maddening inability for some teams and leagues to actually report results—it's Tuesday and they won't say what happened Saturday? Why not?

05.08.2024 - Alex Goff

OK, OK, OK we'll be on top of getting these rankings out by Tuesday in the future, now that most of the collegiate season is over.

We've been juggling a lot.
