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Goff Rankings

irish rugby tours

10.09.2014 - Alex Goff

Week 4 of the Goff Rugby Report Men's DII College Rankings sees no change in the top five, but some movement elsewhere. 

10.09.2014 - Jackie Finlan

Three weeks have passed since our last Women’s DII College rankings, and it’s time for some changes. While Winona has done nothing to warrant a drop in the Top 20, Notre Dame College has done more to claim the top spot.

10.08.2014 - Alex Goff

Kutztown University remains atop the ACRC Coaches Poll, and while there are a few shifts in this week's ballot results, for the most part the top ten has remained in the top ten.

10.02.2014 - Alex Goff

In this the latest Goff Rugby Report Men's DI Rankings, which covers DIA, DIAA,and Varsity Cup, we see almost no change. This is due to two things: 1) a lot of the top-ranked teams aren't playing, and 2) the ranked teams that did play had relatively easy games.

10.02.2014 - Alex Goff

The USA Rugby DIA Rankings show very little change, although the voters gave a boost toe Wheeling Jesuit despite a loss, and moved Wyoming into the Top 20.

Canterbury D1A Top 20 - Week 4

1) Saint Mary's (1)

2) Life (2)

3) Kutztown (3)

4) Lindenwood (4)

5) Army (5)

6) Cal Poly (6)

7) Penn State (7)
