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GRR: Northern California

irish rugby tours

05.17.2023 - Alex Goff

In a rugby match against CenCal Rugby on April 30, 2023, Granite Bay front-rower Tyson Wasser sustained a blood clot in his neck that quickly turned into a stroke, and while Wasser is thankfully alive, he has a long road ahead of him.

05.07.2023 - Alex Goff

The Premier HS Boys Final in Northern California unleashed a high level of rugby and competitiveness as Granite Bay held off Danville to take top honors.

These two teams had played to a 26-26 tie earlier in the season so it's no surprise that this game was close as well.

04.29.2023 - Alex Goff

Playoffs and major games in Boys HS rugby this weekend so far.

Northern California Playoffs 

Danville defeated De La Salle for the second week in a row, this time in the NorCal Premier semifinals, 35-12. It was close into the second half, with Danville leading 14-12 with 25 minutes left. But the Oaks backline started to find some space and pull away late.

04.25.2023 - Alex Goff

Granite Bay and Danville are both unbeaten in Northern California league play and will be the top two going into the playoffs.

04.10.2023 - Alex Goff


The Marin Highlanders pulled off a big result over the weekend, holding well-regarded single-school team De La Salle to a 10-10 tie.

Needless to say, although we're still saying it, it was a defensive battle.

And yes, certainly, DLS has some injuries and unavailabilities, but they expected to beat Marin ... which may have been the issue all along.
