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GRR: Northern California

irish rugby tours

02.10.2024 - Alex Goff

Northern California's club regular season officially kicked off with the first Premier League game, but there was some other action of note, too.

Marin, by two first-half tries from No. 8 Tomasso Visentin and two second-half tries from wing Matt Reilly defeated Mother Lode 54-12 to open their league account.

02.04.2024 - Alex Goff

Northern California's single-school competition is now in full swing and things are already feeling a little shaken up.

01.23.2024 - Alex Goff

Several leagues in boys HS rugby are getting going already and while we've given you details on those that are fully up and running, more are just getting started.

Let's have a look.

Torrey Pines Comes Back After Orange Lutheran Scare

11.15.2023 - Alex Goff

The Saints Rugby Club took the Northern California Girls HS 7s over the weekend, going 4-0 on Saturday.

The Saints, out of Sacramento, are made up of student-athletes from Saint Francis HS and Christian Brothers HS—two coed Catholic schools in the city. Under Head Coach Wes Hilger, the Saints scored at least four tries in every game and never gave up more than a try per game.

10.23.2023 - Alex Goff

A major girls 7s tournament is slated for this coming weekend, so it's worth taking a look at where some of the teams are around the nation.


We discussed the brand-new St. Thomas Aquinas HS girls team from earlier this fall.
