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GRR: Navy

irish rugby tours

05.04.2024 - Alex Goff

It's hard to imagine it could get any better.

OK, maybe it could. Neither team was perfect. But then again, neither team abandoned their way of playing. Neither team backed down even a little bit. It was, in the end, the most entertaining, the most intense, and the most dramatic D1A final you could wish for.

04.20.2024 - Alex Goff

Navy advances to the D1A final for the second year in a row after the Midshipmen defeated Life University 27-17.

On a day of perfect weather and only a light breeze, the day centered around kicking, goalline defenses, and some key big players.

04.18.2024 - Alex Goff

Life is at Navy for the D1A Eastern semifinal and these two teams have already met; in fact, that original meeting was a big deal.

Navy won that game, and the scoreline, 20-14, was one of their closest games of the season.

04.13.2024 - GRR Staff

Navy torched a very good Arkansas State team 57-5 to advance to the 2023-24 D1A semifinals.

Played at Navy's venue in Annapolis, Md., the game could well have been very close—there were many reasons to believe it could be. But in the end, it wasn't.

04.06.2024 - Alex Goff

Here's the latest from the D1A playoffs in the Eastern bracket.

Navy scored early, gave up a try on a chargedown, and then kept the pressure in winning 41-7 over Mary Washington.
