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GRR: Harvard

irish rugby tours

10.31.2021 - Alex Goff

Harvard clinched 2nd in the National Intercollegiate Rugby Association league with a strong defensive performance and a 21-7 victory over West Point Saturday.

10.29.2021 - Alex Goff

In what is almost certainly a playoff preview, Harvard and Army clash at the Anderson Rugby Complex in West Point in NIRA action this weekend.

This is the final league game for both teams, and a chance to set the tone for what promises to be a hugely competitive playoff for the women's NCAA varsity DI competition.

10.23.2021 - Alex Goff

It was a runaway and then it wasn’t, but Dartmouth held off Harvard 45-31 in the clash of two undefeated NIRA teams, setting up a potentially thrillling clash in the final in a few weeks’ time.

10.10.2021 - Alex Goff

Dartmouth and Harvard both won big to set themselves up for a highly-anticipated clash in two weeks, a clash that could well be a NIRA DI final preview.

Harvard got four tries from freshman PK Vincze and two from Sabrina Kim, who continues a four-game scoring streak.

10.08.2021 - Alex Goff

Two games headline the women's slate of college games this weekend.
