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DIA Rugby News

irish rugby tours

11.22.2014 - Alex Goff
The ACRC Bowl Series games are done. On Friday, Boston College, led by Danny Schatzman and Joey D’Antonio pulled away from a tough Iona team to win 29-19. The game was 22-19 until late.
11.20.2014 - Alex Goff
The unofficial fall championship comes down the Saturday she ACRC #1 Army (8-0) takes on Life University (2013-14 DIA runners up) as part of the ACRC Bowl Series. For Army, it’s the latest challenge in a series of tough games that saw them win close games against Air Force, Kutztown, and Penn State, to name a few.
11.20.2014 - Alex Goff

It’s the end meets the beginning as the Air Force Academy Zoomies finish up their fall season with a visit to San Diego State, who are just getting started.

Air Force is 5-1 this fall, winning four league games in the DIA West, and splitting games against their military academy rivals - beating Navy in Colorado Springs 38-26 and losing to Army 19-17 at West Point.

11.19.2014 - Alex Goff
11.16.2014 - Alex Goff

A week before the ACRC Bowls, the ACRL champion Clemson Tigers took on the US Naval Academy.

Navy has been following a challenging fall schedule, playing highly-regarded teams every month or so. They defeated Ohio State 48-10 August 29, lost to Air Force 38-26 October 3, and beat Maryland 54-21 October 25.
