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DIA Rugby News

irish rugby tours

02.27.2015 - Alex Goff

Non-conference games of rankings importance, conference games of conference importance, and maybe a few also-rans mark this week in DI men's college rugby.

Top of the rankings, #2 BYU plays at #3 St. Mary's, and #12 Utah is at #5 Cal, while #7 Davenport visits #1 Life. That's an impressive list of matchups. 

02.27.2015 - Alex Goff

It’s the opening of the small but intense DIA Mid-South Conference, and a clash between Goff Rugby Report’s #1 team, Life University, and the #7 squad, Davenport.

So, basically, it has everything.

02.21.2015 - Alex Goff

Davenport University has been training outside exactly once in the last few months, but it was enough to propel them to an improbable victory over Arkansas State in Jonesboro, Ark. Saturday.

02.11.2015 - Alex Goff

Lindenwood University played two games this past weekend, beating the New Orleans men’s club 26-25 and LSU 38-10.

01.25.2015 - Alex Goff

Texas A&M defeated TCU 29-13 Saturday in a very scrappy and somewhat uneven Red River Conference game.

The victory put A&M at 3-1 and almost guarantees the Aggies will finish 2nd in the conference behind Oklahoma, who finished their conference play in the fall and went 5-0.
