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LA 7s & LAI

irish rugby tours

01.02.2023 - Alex Goff

Long known for their huge fan following at the USA stop on the Sevens World Series, Kenya is more than just a pretty face.

Despite some significant obstacles, such as keeping the program supported and having their players balance rugby, work, and studies, Kenya is a team no one ever wants to play.

12.28.2022 - Alex Goff

Who will garner automatic Olympic qualification this Sevens World Series season?

Much remains on the line after the first three men's tournaments and the first two women's tournaments, but the picture for the women is much, much clearer than it is for the men.

12.26.2022 - Alex Goff

Now that Christmas is (just barely) behind us we can perhaps look to the New Year and a little bit of rugby fun in two months.

12.19.2022 - Alex Goff

Teams are signing up for the LA Invitational February 24-25 as part of the LA Sevens tournament weekend.

12.15.2022 - Alex Goff

The mystery isn't that Samoa won the Cape Town 7s, or any 7s tournament for that matter—the mystery is when they don't win.
