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International Rugby News

irish rugby tours

10.29.2021 - Alex Goff

The USA Women's National Team is in assembly in Glendale, Colo. getting ready for a two-game series against Canada, and slowly the team has started to realize that one of them is a life-saver.

10.28.2021 - Alex Goff

USA flanker Andrew Guerra is recovering after breaking his leg in the USA's test match against New Zealand.

10.24.2021 - Alex Goff

The All Blacks put the USA to the sword 104-14 Saturday at FedEx Field, the home of the Washington DC NFL franchise, and made it plain how good the New Zealand team is, and how far the USA has to go.

10.22.2021 - Alex Goff

Coming off a 39-13 win against Navy in October of 2020, Army might be heavily favored in this weekend against Navy at FedEx Field, but the West Point players are too smart to get caught up in all of that.

It is, after all, Army-Navy.

10.21.2021 - GRR Staff

It's no surprise that the USA team to face off with the All Blacks on Saturday at the 1874 will be a domestic team.

This test match is being played outside the World Rugby test match window for the fall, and so professional clubs in Europe are under no obligation to release their players to a national team. 
