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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

06.28.2014 - Alex Goff

London Wasps Academy staff member was in attendance at the Great Northwest Challenge this past weekend scouting talent, and has been in consultation with High School All American Head Coach Salty Thompson about bringing young US-based to the UK.

06.28.2014 - Alex Goff

The Greenwich/Fairfield County Boys select side defeated Northern New England 50-0 to gain the final of the Northeast Regional All-Star Tournament in Massachusetts, Saturday.

06.28.2014 - Alex Goff

The final Regional All-Star Tournament for high school players is set for Devens, Mass. this Saturday.

Four boys Varsity teams, four girls Varsity teams, and three JV boys teams will play over the weekend.

06.27.2014 - Alex Goff

Following up on their sweep of the Great Northwest Challenge, the Boys select sides from the state of Washington - Varsity and Junior Varsity - will host a touring Irish side this weekend.
Ryan Field in Seatac, Wash. will see the Down High School team from Downpatrick, Northern Ireland, face off against the Loggers.

06.26.2014 - Alex Goff

It’s 7s time for HS teams this summer. 

