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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

04.01.2015 - Alex Goff

The Chuckanut Bay HS program from northern Washington state is on its way to Australia with its U17 team for a tour.

The team will stop over in Hawaii and play the Kahuku Raiders program, which has been on fire of late.

"We can't wait to play them," said Kahuku Head Coach Seamus Fitzgerald. 

04.01.2015 - Alex Goff

In our feature Game-Breakers, we highlight some players who made an impact on the field this past week.

This is our weekly HS Boys section. If you think we need to look at someone, let us know.


04.01.2015 - Alex Goff

Ohio’s St. Edward school team is in Portugal at a youth rugby festival and has been busy in the opening days.

They lost two close games against Henley of England, 7-3, and 8-0, and also lost 8-0 to Biarritz, the tournament’s defending champions. 

Then Portuguese team Beleneses shut out St. Edward 12-0, but the Ohio team bounced back to defeat Cascais 19-0. 

03.31.2015 - Alex Goff

Jesuit HS of Sacraento faced the Westlake School out of Auckland, NZ Tuesday evening as part of Westlake's tour of the West Coast.

03.31.2015 - Alex Goff

Olympus HS from Utah faced Capital HS of Idaho Tuesday evening in a game that is part of an Olympus Pacific Northwest tour, and this game was a tight one.
