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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

10.30.2014 - Alex Goff
The Northern California Youth Rugby Association is looking to hire. The organization currently has three vacancies:Youth Development OfficerThe successful candidate would assist in the sustainable growth of the sport at the youth level in Northern California.
10.28.2014 - Alex Goff

The first round of Eagle Impact Rugby Academies has been completed as High School All American Head Coach Salty Thompson and a team of coaches got things kicked off over the past weeks around the country.

10.27.2014 - Alex Goff

The Fullerton Youth Tournament is set for March 2015 and already some impressive teams have signed up.

According to Tournament Director Ravi Perera, teams from British Columbia, Ontario, Northern California, and Mexico have already signed up, joining the coal Southern California boys and girls teams.

Several college coaches are expected to be in attendance.

10.17.2014 - GRR Staff

The 2015 Boys High School Rugby National Championship will be held on May 14-16, 2015.

The location of the 2015 tournament will be selected in the coming weeks, although the smart money is on an East Coast location. It has been confirmed that Elkart, Ind., which hosted the tournament the last two years, will not host in 2015.

10.02.2014 - Alex Goff

Hanco Germishuys may have been spending much of his summer on roofs, but that doesn’t mean he’s reached his ceiling. As he waits for a chance to try out with Gloucester, the HS All American and USA U20 flanker is working with his father’s roofing company in Nebraska. It’s hard, and often sun-scorching work, but it’s keeping him balanced for rugby opportunities ahead.
