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College Men

irish rugby tours

10.07.2016 - Alex Goff

We’re back looking at the Empire Conference because every week there’s a question.

And this week the question is, could Stony Brook get back in the race?

10.07.2016 - Alex Goff

Saint Joseph’s and Pitt have won their first two Keystone Conference games easily, and now they face off against each other this Saturday to decide who takes the West Division.

10.06.2016 - Alex Goff

The West Coast 7s kicks off the college 7s season in the California area with a tough 12-team lineup.

10.06.2016 - Alex Goff

While AIC leads the ECRC, there’s still plenty of opportunity for other teams to catch up.

That chase is basically between NEC and Boston College. NEC sits at 3-1 and BC is 3-0, so this would be a battle for 2nd (at the moment).

10.06.2016 - Alex Goff

Reports are that Brigham Young University is still looking for a postseason plan.
