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College Men

irish rugby tours

05.06.2024 - Alex Goff

The College Rugby Association of America has named its Men's D1A All American selections.

A 1st-team, 2nd-team, and 3rd-team has been named.

05.05.2024 - Alex Goff

The University of San Diego's men's rugby team clinched the 2024 Collegiate Rugby Association of America (CRAA) Championship Final with an impressive 38-7 victory over Iowa State.

05.04.2024 - Alex Goff

It's hard to imagine it could get any better.

OK, maybe it could. Neither team was perfect. But then again, neither team abandoned their way of playing. Neither team backed down even a little bit. It was, in the end, the most entertaining, the most intense, and the most dramatic D1A final you could wish for.

05.02.2024 - Alex Goff

CRAA’s Finalist Weekend kicks off on Friday with the pool play for the Women’s Premier and Women’s College-Club 7s.

But there’s plenty more going on in Houston (aside form the thunderstorms delaying air traffic).

05.01.2024 - Alex Goff

Obviously there isn't a lot of D1AA action going but it's all pretty important.

San Diego qualified for the CRAA final and they stay at #4 for the moment. But since Western Washington almost beat them they do move up.

They lost on kind of a freak play. Have a look.
