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College Men

irish rugby tours

04.10.2022 - Alex Goff

The Kansas Jayhawks will be in the final of the ACR DIAA spring championships after winning the Eastern Bracket final on Sunday.

Kansas, Texas State Move on in DIAA Playoffs

Kansas led 17-7 at halftime, and through a scoreless second half that lead held up.

04.10.2022 - Alex Goff

The higher-ranked teams all won in the first round of the DIA playoffs Saturday.

BYU and Central Washington won by relatively large margins, while in the lone game in the East, Life had to battle through a tough Navy side.

04.09.2022 - Alex Goff

Florida State and Central Florida will face off April 16 for the Florida DIAA collegiate championship after both teams won semifinals Saturday.

04.09.2022 - Alex Goff

Texas State and Kansas will play for a place in the ACR DIAA final after both won games in the Eastern Bracket quarterfinals Saturday.

Both quarterfinals were tight, but it did seem like the fact that the Lonestar teams had played conference games more recently might have set them up a little better.

04.08.2022 - Alex Goff

The Florida DIAA playoffs move on to the semifinals this week.
