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College Men

irish rugby tours

03.01.2024 - Alex Goff

Navy had decent but maybe not perfect first outing for 2024 but they did come away with a win.

For the Midshipmen you'd expect them to be prepared and fit, and building from a superb fall, but training is just that ... training.

02.29.2024 - Alex Goff

Longtime rivals meet up in college rugby this weekend as the old Mid-South has a sort of reunion weekend, and all four of the teams involved are in GRR's Top 10.

Life University is coming off a victory over Lindenwood that launched them up to #3. They take on Arkansas State, a team we moved up to #2.

02.29.2024 - Alex Goff

We actually don't have too many changes this week and we're sorry we're late with this.

Life of course moves up after beating Lindenwood. We have to keep everyone in this line because Lindenwood beat BYU who beat Cal. Yes we could move Saint Mary's ahead of Cal but not yet.

02.29.2024 - Alex Goff

Notre Dame College has announced that it will shut its doors at the end of the spring semester this year.

02.27.2024 - Alex Goff

We should have had Sam Houston State higher and they proved it this past weekend.

Rice was ranked higher thanks to last fall's 29-26 win over SHSU. But a more emphatic revenge win for the Bearkats has us switching the teams' places.
