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GRR: West Point Women

irish rugby tours

07.25.2024 - GRR Staff

The West Point women's rugby program is looking for a paid assistant coach.

With assistant coach Kelsie McDowell moving on to a head coaching job at LaSalle, there is a vacancy at Army.

10.02.2023 - Alex Goff

NIRA action outside of DI was relatively quiet as many teams played cross-divisional matches, but in DI it was a big weekend, one with potentially significant ramifications within the new Power Ratings.

Let’s take a look:

09.01.2023 - Alex Goff

Getting all excited about freshman recruits is a dangerous game, as those players can often take a few years to make an impact ... or not.

01.17.2023 - GRR Staff

Army West Point's women's rugby program is looking for an assistant coach.

11.02.2022 - Alex Goff

It was a close win for Army but was it enough to get 2nd place?

While Dartmouth enjoyed the culmination of an undefeated run with an astonishing 85-0 defeat of Brown over the weekend, thanks to four tries from Ariana Ramsey—four tries in a row, actually—Army and Harvard were in a battle.
