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GRR: Varsity Cup

irish rugby tours

04.16.2016 - Alex Goff

For the first time in the history of the Varsity Cup, Navy will not be in the semifinals, as Arkansas State ran out to a 24-0 halftime lead, and held off a Midshipmen surge to win the quarterfinal 31-24.

"We knew what we needed was a good defensive game plan and devotion to the defensive structure," said ASU Head Coach Shaun Potgieter. " In the first half we did that very well."

04.16.2016 - Alex Goff

It's playoff time in Men's DI College rugby, so we're drifting down to fewer and fewer games, but more and more important games.

04.15.2016 - Alex Goff

We're into the Quarterfinals of the Varsity Cup, and the games are a little tougher to pick, with an expectation that a couple, as least, will be close.

04.10.2016 - Alex Goff

Playing with the wind or against it, Central Washington seems to have the run of the breeze Saturday in their opening round Varsity Cup clash with UCLA.

04.09.2016 - Alex Goff

Going into this weekend’s Varsity Cup 1st round game against Air Force, the University of Utah team had to be wondering if they had bitten off more than they could chew.

In the last four weeks they’ve played St. Mary’s, UCLA, Army, Cal, and BYU, all competitive or achingly close losses, and then this week the Utes were under pressure from another opponent, the flu.
