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GRR: Small Colleges

irish rugby tours

12.08.2022 - Alex Goff

The fall pretty much wraps up with this weekend's games.

This time we combine all the divisions together because all of the games are at the same venue and it's basically one event.

We decide NCR's Men's Small College, D2, D1AA, and D1 winners and there are a couple of bowl games too.

Who will win? Well, you we do have a prediction video.

12.07.2022 - Alex Goff

This fall produced fully nine women’s collegiate champions on at least a moderately national level.


Three of them were in the NCAA varsity league, NIRA.

Young Bowdoin Forwards Lead Way to NIRA DIII Title

11.14.2022 - Alex Goff

Northern Michigan won the Women's Small College Midwest region with an emphatic victory over York College on Sunday.

11.11.2022 - Alex Goff

No one really knows what to make of the western bracket of the NCR Men's Small College playoffs, because every team is really strong.

Cal Poly Humboldt out of California, 2021 runners-up New Mexico Tech, Colorado School of Mines (who beat NMT this year), and a surging Western Oregon all come in with plenty to recommend them.

11.11.2022 - Alex Goff

Small college teams in the Mid-Atlantic will be key threats as the small-college playoffs loom.

Two teams to keep an eye on ae Catholic University and Susquehanna. 

Susquehanna Gets By Loyola

Having lost only to Shippensburg during the regular season Susquehanna went into their game against Loyola feeling confident and won 33-15.
