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Goff Rankings

irish rugby tours

03.06.2024 - Alex Goff

The playoffs are coming and we're here for it.

This past week we got a game we didn't expect, and didn't get a game we did expect. San Diego took on Claremont Colleges on a reschedule of a game that should have been played earlier. San Diego won.

03.05.2024 - Alex Goff

Ultimately we don't have a lot of changes at the very top.

But in the 20s we do with the Lindenwood tournament showing that those teams are all quite close, but that there are a couple bubbling to the top. Those would be Notre Dame de la Salette and also St. Thomas Aquinas. 

03.05.2024 - Alex Goff

We talked about this a lot last year and it's even more true this year—any team out of the top nine could be a national champion.

02.29.2024 - Alex Goff

We actually don't have too many changes this week and we're sorry we're late with this.

Life of course moves up after beating Lindenwood. We have to keep everyone in this line because Lindenwood beat BYU who beat Cal. Yes we could move Saint Mary's ahead of Cal but not yet.

02.28.2024 - Alex Goff

Of our HS Cub Top 50, 34 change ranking this week.

Now, most of them are dropping just one or two spots, which means someone is making a dramatic move up. Tribal comes into the rankings after their showing at the Puriri Memorial. We watched them play in person and we were very impressed.
