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irish rugby tours

07.17.2024 - GRR Contributor

(Op-Ed by Dave Miller)—After watching Goff Rugby Report’s four-part series on college rugby, it's saddening to see the continued disintegration of college rugby between National Collegiate Rugby and CRAA, as it carries implications on the growth of the game; the culture of our sport; the opportunity of player development, and; the future potential of the Eagles.     

05.21.2024 - GRR Staff

The Rugby East Conference has announced its 2024 Fall season schedule.

01.19.2024 - Alex Goff

We finish up our NCR D1 Hot 100 with the front row.

We've got 16 props and six hookers in our list, and that caps of a list of what's turned out to be 110 players.

01.18.2024 - Alex Goff

It is no coincidence that the top teams in NCR D1 had locks in our Hot 100 list.

01.17.2024 - Alex Goff

We're into the forwards now with the NCR D1 Hot 100.

As we admitted earlier, we actually have more than 100 in this list, but it's close. In this installment we have 10 flankers and nine No. 8s; 19 players from 15 different college teams.

This includes some players who were central to championship-caliber teams plus a few from teams that were chasing that level.
