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Men's College 7s News

irish rugby tours

02.05.2015 - Jackie Finlan

With the addition of Lindenwood’s tournament, there are now seven regional qualifiers for the Women’s College 7s National Championship, which will occur May 22-24.

01.23.2015 - Alex Goff

The Las Vegas Invitational Men’s CRC Qualifier pool are out and they’re … interesting.

It’s wonderful to see the CRC 7s (held every year in Chester, Pa. and broadcast on NBC) opened up again to any team that wants to try, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hold the qualifier’s feet to the fire regarding seeings.

01.20.2015 - Jackie Finlan

The Midwest Thunderbirds are on the hunt again. The U23 all-star team is returning to the Las Vegas Invitational and looking to defend its college 7s title. Roger Riley and Steve Murra have also returned as coaches, and noted that this year's competition will produce new challenges.

01.16.2015 - Alex Goff
The Las Vegas Invitational has been allowed to reinstate its men’s college 7s competition as a qualifier for the Collegiate Rugby Championships invitational in June.  
01.07.2015 - GRR Staff
The Southern Rugby Conference has announced the schedule for its 2015 7s Series.

The season will include stops at UNC Charlotte Furman and UNC Wilmington, with the finals being hosted by Elon University.
