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GRR: Eagle Women

irish rugby tours

07.26.2014 - Alex Goff

USA captain SHaina Turley speaks with Goff Rugby Report's Alex Goff about the team's preparation for the Women's World Cup.

The team is taining in Granville in Normandy, France before moving camp to the Paris area for the games.

The USA opens their World Cup campaign against Ireland August 1

07.24.2014 - GRR Staff

In an announcement released July 24, Universal Sports Network stated they would be showing 15 hours of LIVE TV coverage of the IRB Women’s Rugby World Cup 2014 in Paris, France, from Friday, August 1 through Sunday, August 17.

In addition, matches will also be streamed LIVE online at to authenticated users.

07.21.2014 - Alex Goff

While the USA Men’s 7s team undergoes some upheaval and faces the uncomfortable question of whether they can qualify for the 2016 Olympics, the USA Women’s team is in a somewhat different situation.

They have coaching stability, with Ric Suggitt at the reins still. They have future stability, with knowledge that they have a much stronger chance of qualifying for Rio 2016.

07.18.2014 - Alex Goff

The USA Women’s National Team is on its way to France now with an eye toward another Women’s World Cup.


07.17.2014 - Alex Goff

When Hope Rogers showed up at her first rugby practice as a sophomore at Chambersburg HS in Pennsylvania, she was a little confused; you see, she had confused rugby and lacrosse, saw a bunch of people chasing a weirdly-shaped ball around with no sticks, and got ready to leave.

It’s a good thing she stayed.
