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GRR: DI Elite

irish rugby tours

10.06.2023 - Alex Goff

Let's have an argument.

The NIRA champion is stronger than the D1 Elite champion.

No, wait, that can't be. The D1 Elite top dog has way more bite.

10.05.2023 - Alex Goff

After a year of experimenting with a fall-only 15s schedule the women’s D1 Elite league is back to a fall-spring run, with two extra teams.

Life, Lindenwood, and Penn State are now the eastern half of the league, with BYU, Grand Canyon, and Central Washington in the western side.

08.25.2023 - Alex Goff

Who is what and where in college rugby?

05.09.2023 - Alex Goff

The 2023 MA Sorensen Award for the top women's college player in the country is going to Mae Sagapolu.

The Central Washington University prop is so good she has already been capped by her country and her award marks the first time the Sorensen goes to a West Coast school.

12.05.2022 - Alex Goff

In a game that carried all the drama that it deserved, Lindenwood University emerged 16-15 victors over Life in the 2022 Women's D1 Elite final.

Held during the CRAA Fall Classic at the Matthews Sportsplex near Charlotte, NC, the final once again produced Lindenwood as the champions, but it was a close-run thing. 
