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irish rugby tours

04.29.2024 - Alex Goff

After the USA lost 50-7 yesterday at Dignity Health Sports Park, the usually jovial and smiling Rachel Johnson was direct and clear.

10.17.2023 - GRR Contributor

The kicking game and managing the wind are key work-ons for the USA as they prepare for Round 2 of the WXV this weekend in South Africa.

Correspondent Hanno Van Vuuren, who provides professional rugby analysis for a variety of rugby teams in the USA, has some insight into where the Eagles succeeded, and where they didn't.

10.16.2023 - Alex Goff

Big Rivers is down to four semifinalists after Saturday’s quarterfinals, with all of the games being very close.

05.30.2023 - Alex Goff

The Boys HS National Championship is over and done and we have out champions, but we also have some thoughts and observations about the game and the tournament.

Here goes.

05.23.2023 - Alex Goff

There are nine ... nine men's D1 college championships.

This is combining D1A, NCR D1, and D1AA, 15s and 7s.

Nine national-level championships.
