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ACRL Latest - Maryland Unleashes

irish rugby tours

ACRL Latest - Maryland Unleashes

It was shutout weekend in the Atlantic Coast Rugby League (ACRL). 

Virginia Tech defeated North Carolina 14-0 on Friday, and also that night Clemson shut out Wake Forest 46-0 in a game shortened due to a problem with the lights.


And then on Saturday, Maryland opened up their ACRL account in fine style with a 77-0 dismantling of NC State. The Terps unleashed a potent attack that produced three tries for former age-grade Eagle Joe Whalen, who transferred this season from St. Joseph’s.


Whalen led a solid forward effort, while Matt Reilly scored two tries late in the game.


Matias Cima, Connor Whitcomb, Joshua Marotske, Andrew Butler, Mike Messina, David Simon-Ogan, and Greyson Boozer all scored tries for Maryland.


Clemson leads the ACRL with a 2-0 record.

Virginia Tech10014014
North Carolina010014-14
NC State1103192-61
Wake Forest0101577-62