Goff Rankings
When everyone in the Top Eight that played won, you might think we're pleased.
But in a way, we're not. We live for upsets. It's what makes sports so maddeningly fun. And if we got the rankings right the first time, we wouldn't have to update them!
So we frast-tracked these rankings because the playoff seedings are expected to come out very soon, and these rankings are a small part of how the official D1A rankings and seedings are used.
We might see a little difference within the D1A official rankings, but not much. Here's what we were thinking:
No major changes in the Top 15, but plenty of movement elsewhere.
We cover a lot of what went on in HS rugby in a recently-posted survey of the country's HS action.
HS Boys Developments Around the USA
But of course the main event that affects these rankings is the tour Woodlands took of Southern California.
The #1 team, Navy, lost over the weekend.
So this week's question is: who should be #1 now?
Let's look at the candidates: